Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Great website

I have been using a great website to try out drafts of novels for a while now. It's this one: 

Anyone can join, it's free, and not just for writers. It's backed by the UK Arts Council, although it has a very international content.

I've read some great extracts on here. You can also critique the extracts, constructively please, and this is a godsend to any aspiring author. I've received over 60 comments to the first few chapters of "Full Disclosure" which I entered into one of the competitions they run from time to time. Most of these were very useful in helping me tweak the start of the novel - one of the hardest things to do when you are writing thrillers.

Check it out, at the very least you will have an endless supply of good writing at your disposal, and you will probably discover unknown authors today who tomorrow will be the Bestsellers on your bookshelf or e-book reader.

Eric at

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